Latest Past 活動

東區文化飛步遊 (2023年11月)

Co-organised by Eastern District Office, Kai Tak Sports Initiative, Kai Tak Sports Park and Antiquities and Monument Office, the 2023-24 Eastern District Cultural Festival: Eastern District Heritage Run take runners to the city corners and feel the richness of cultural and historical heritages of the Eastern District. By understanding the stories behind, runners learn the …

東區文化飛步遊 (2023年11月) Read More »


油尖旺區文化飛步遊 (2023年10月15日,星期日)

Starting from Blackhead Point, runners head to Signal Tower and feel the crowd in the past. Along Avenue of Stars, Harbour City and China HK City, Runner will visit the military facilities during WWII .Crossing Nathan Road, runners will arrive the Former Kowloon British School (Headquarter of Antiquities and Monuments Office), then run pass the …

油尖旺區文化飛步遊 (2023年10月15日,星期日) Read More »
